FAQs: Key Scriptures to Help You Lead From Your Strengths

Q: Is all this talk about strengths actually found in the scriptures?

A. Yes.

Ministry Insights was founded on the biblical principle of uniqueness: God created you and each person around you with unique strengths. He has placed you together to build His Kingdom.

Studying scripturesThis principle from God’s Word establishes a foundation for understanding ourselves and our relationships. It allows us to see that our differences are strengths when allowed to function as God designed. God’s desire in our relationships is for our differences to unite us, not divide us.

But don’t take our word for it. Go to the Word instead. Study the biblical basis for strengths for yourself.

The key scriptures below explain God’s plan for our uniqueness. We hope you can read them, study them, and discover for yourself God’s design for differences.

You can read and study these passages any way you like. Here are a few suggestions:

As you find additional verses that speak to strengths and differences, please share them with us in the comments below, on social media, and by email so that many more Christ-followers can grow, too.

Key Passages about Leading From Your Strengths

Download our free guide, Key Scriptures to Help You Lead From Your Strengths, which includes room for you to take notes as you read and study.

More Tools for Studying the Bibilcal Principle of Strengths

How to Study Scriptures about Strengths, Part 1: Read Different Bible Versions

How to Study Scriptures about Strengths, Part 2: Do a Keyword Search

How to Study Scriptures about Strengths, Part 3: Check Bible Dictionaries

How to Study Scriptures about Strengths, Part 4: Compare Bible Commentaries