Articles & Resources

Exercise: My Strengths, Your Strengths, Our Strengths

April 26, 2015
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Lead Your Team Through the Profile, Part 3: Process Your Team Members’ Strengths This exercise is part of a series to use as you guide your team through understanding their profile reports. For You To Think About Each person has natural strengths. Natural strengths are an individual’s unique ways of going about the tasks of…

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Ways a Certified Practitioner Can Help You, Part 1

March 4, 2014
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First in a series explaining how Certified Practitioners help you process profiles Often Christ-followers are unaware that their differences with others actually represent enormous strengths. The Leading From Your Strengths (LFYS) Profile is a tool that helps you discover your unique strengths and how to use them. This personalized, detailed 20-page report accurately describes your…

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