Order Confirmation page (code)

Thank you for your order

We hope you find your latest order insightful.
Please read this page carefully as it is designed to give you a quick overview of the basic functions of this platform, so you can get the most out of your order.

My Assessments

If you purchased an assessment for yourself, you can find it under ‘My Assessments’. When you assign assessments, it will also be listed in this area when the user logs into the site.

Assigning Assessments

After purchasing the number of assessments needed, you can then assign them to the relevant users. Under ‘Manage Users’, you can enroll users in the assessment you have just purchased, as well as view completed assessments. Your users will be notified via email when they have been assigned an assessment. This area will also serve as a leadership dashboard where you can keep track of the progress of each user you have assigned work to.

My Orders

Under ‘My Orders’, you will find your past orders and have the ability to manage any subscriptions or memberships you have on this platform. You can easily reorder products by viewing a past order and clicking the reorder button.

My Settings

You can change your password and other personal profile settings here.
If you have any further questions about getting the most out of your account, don’t hesitate to get in touch.