Our Certified Trainers are counselors, coaches, pastors, trainers, or consultants who have been instructed to apply Ministry Insights core foundational principles and transformational processes.
All Ministry Insights Certified Trainers have been equipped to:
- explain the biblical foundation anchoring the profiles
- interpret and apply the four inescapable areas of differences
- interpret profiles with clients
- recognize applications of the various profile sections
- explain four sources of stress that cause strength movement
- identify insights from eight additional support resources
- use the profiles with individuals and teams
- identify life applications for teams on the Strengths Wheel

Level I Certified Trainers
To obtain certification, Level I Certified Trainers have completed online classes and have demonstrated knowledge, understanding, and expertise in using and applying Leading From Your Strengths profiles.
Level II Certified Trainers
To obtain certification, Level II Certified Trainers have attended a multi-day training conference and successfully passed an examination. They have demonstrated knowledge, understanding, and expertise in using and applying Leading From Your Strengths Profiles.
*Please note:
Although trainers have been certified, they are not employed by nor are they agents of Leading From Your Strengths or Ministry Insights. Please contact them directly about their services.