Coaching: The Profile Points the Way to Discovery and Recovery

Author Rick McNeil uses LFYS profiles in coaching, counseling, and mentoring

In his work as a U.S. Navy chaplain assistant, case manager, and counselor, Rick McNeil has seen a fair share of assessments and personality profiles.

So when he attended a pastor’s conference and found a Leading From Your Strengths assessment provided as part of the attendance package, Rick was naturally skeptical – even when conference participants were encouraged to complete it.

His attitude changed when he received his profile results. Rick immediately saw his strengths and weaknesses.

“This is by far the best assessment tool I have ever used,” says Rick. “The great value of this profile is that it is a springboard which affirms your strengths and shows how your personality impacts your relationships.”

The Profile Encourages Discovery

Rick McNeil

Rick McNeil

During his time with the Navy, Rick counseled sailors and submariners to manage their finances, establish a household budget, and reduce debt – all problems that led to discussions about core life issues.

Addressing “life issues” continued to crop up for Rick after he left the service and case managed substance abuse patients, helping them to establish an aftercare plan once they had been detoxed and had started substance abuse treatment.  As a counselor he conducted therapeutic treatment groups and one-on-one counseling and as a pastor, Rick intentionally worked to help people he served to discover their purpose.

All of which led Rick to earn a bachelor’s degree in Human Services Administration and subsequently become a life coach.

“When mentoring a leader, I have a process in which I use the LFYS profile to help the person discover their strengths, face his life issues, and find a purposeful place in ministry,” says Rick.

Spouses, family members, or team members – all of these people can use their strengths to build stronger relationships, says Rick, once they know what those strengths are. The LFYS profile is a catalyst to discovery.  The data opens up a solid discussion, revealing the user’s strengths and core values.

The information, processed with a trained practitioner, can be life changing.

The Profile Opens Up Discussion

Such was the case for a couple who came to Rick for premarital counseling.

“They completed the Marriage Insights profile, which revealed some major differences between them,” says Rick.

Yet the differences did not nullify the potential marriage. Rather, the discussion that followed revealed core differences in the couple’s beliefs that could not be resolved and indicated not just adversity, but disaster should they attempt to move forward without resolution.

After careful discussion and consideration, this couple concluded that neither was willing to budge from their positions in core values. They mutually agreed to end the relationship.

Years later Rick encountered the man, who was now happily married with children. He found out later that the woman was happily married as well.  What could have been a devastating relationship was averted when this former couple used the LFYS profile results as a foundation to discuss their core values.

The Profile Can Point the Way

Rick was one of the first life coaches to become a Ministry Insights Level II Certified facilitator, and since then the LFYS profile has played a key role in his coaching and mentoring ministry.

“You cannot become who you want to be until you recognize and understand who you are really are,” says Rick in his book, 32 Principles for Recovery. He wrote the book to summarize what he has learned from the LFYS profile and his years as a substance abuse counselor.

The springboard? Know yourself and your strengths so you can face your life issues.

“The profile helps you discover who you are, what your strengths and weaknesses are, and how to improve your relationships,” he adds.  “It lights the way to discovery and recovery.”

Rick McNeil uses his extensive experience as a substance abuse counselor, case manager, family intervention facilitator, treatment consultant, and workshop leader in his current role as Director for Leadership Development and Life Coach. He has a B.S. degree in Human Services Administration and certifications in Business Management and Financial Budget Counseling, Leadership Training, and as a Ministry Insights Level I & Level II facilitator. Rick is the author of 32 Principles for Recovery. He lives in central Florida. Connect with Rick at

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