Coffee Debrief: An Exercise in Meaningful Interactions

This exercise helps you have meaningful interactions using profile data in conversation.

For You To Think About

Words have incredible power; they can be unifying or isolating. Think back to a time when you were on the receiving end of harsh words. You may have felt weak, abandon, hurt, or rejected. Now think about a time when you received authentic praise. Those words likely raised your spirit and drew you to the speaker.

Each of us holds the key to unity and oneness – through our words.

Consider your last exchange with your spouse, a friend or a colleague. Then think about that new person at work or a newcomer to your volunteer team. You may find yourself frustrated when interacting with those close to you or you may catch yourself walking on eggshells with the new people that come into your life – in both cases, simply because communication breaks down.

2 friends in coffee shopYet because you have access to your profile, you have a tool and a process that can help build God-honoring relationships in your life. The key is to apply the information you already have through meaningful conversation.

For You To Do

This exercise sets up a warm, inviting environment in which you and a friend can have meaningful interactions through conversation – using your profile data.

  1. Identify a person God has placed in your life … someone with whom you would like a stronger relationship.
  2. Invite that person to take the Leading From Your Strengths Profile Assessment (use this coupon code: FRUIT). The assessment will take 10 minutes or less. Have a copy of your profile on hand to show your friend.
  3. Once your friend has received the results and has had a chance to read them, schedule a time to have coffee together.
  4. Ask your friend to refer to his profile’s General Characteristics section. Invite your friend to highlight 3 statements from each paragraph that most closely resemble truths he sees in himself, for a total of 9 statements. Do the same in your profile.
  5. Ask your friend to share the first statement he highlighted in the profile, why he thinks it is true, and how he sees it evidenced in his life. Offer your feedback about the statement.
  6. Share the first statement you highlighted in your profile, why you think it is true, and how you see it evidenced in your life. Ask for your friend’s feedback about the statement.
  7. Repeat the process until you have both shared each highlighted statement in the profiles. Discuss what surprised you or affirmed what you already knew about each other.
  8. Ask each other: how do words hold the key to building oneness in a relationship?

For You To Take Away

The tongue has the power of life and death,
and those who love it will eat its fruit. (Proverbs 18:21, NIV)

Ministry Insights exercises offer best practices to put profile data into practice in the workplace, home, ministry, and relationships. How was this exercise a meaningful interaction for you? Leading From Your Strengths (LFYS) Profiles empower Christian leaders, churches, and ministries to discover and use your God-given strengths and be stronger for them individually and together.