FAQs: What Is a Profile?

Understanding the Profile Report


Ministry Insights strengths-based profiles are objective, multi-page reports which accurately detail habitual patterns of behavior, thoughts, emotions, and communication. Every profile is unique – there are over 19,860 statically variances of the profile base on the user response.

Our report presents an objective analysis of predictable behavior while remaining personalized and encouraging. Most importantly, it provides sophisticated insights into the individual’s unique strengths. The profile does not measure cognitive reasoning, aptitude, motivations, or detrimental behaviors.

Profiles are compiled and presented instantaneously after the user completes a simple, 10-minute online assessment. Profile reports are delivered immediately via email.

How To Use Profiles

Users can begin to use the data as soon as they receive their profile report. Your customized report will provide practical steps to help you connect with others and communicate better.

How users choose to apply profile information is up to the individual, both in how to implement it and when to do so. We recommend you can take advantage of Ministry Insights’ additional support products to develop a more in-depth action plan to incorporate this new information into their daily life and relationships, both short- and long-term. Users can also work with a certified practitioner to understand the data at a deeper level and continue to implement it over time.

Profile Highlights

The profiles provide unbiased, tangible data to help individuals understand themselves better and build on their strengths.

  • Strengths. Profiles help users recognize and understand their natural strengths and how they operate, addressing God-given abilities in solving problems, processing information, managing change, and facing risk.
  • Adaptations. Profiles reveal how users make adaptations in order to be successful in their current environment. These adjustments can reveal where they expend excess energy and can be a key in helping establish an action plan to lead from strengths.
  • Others’ strengths. Profiles help the user identify the strengths of those around him and understand ways to communicate effectively with them.

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