Position Series, Part 3: Why God’s Appointments Are “A Good Fit”

Why God’s Appointments Are “A Good Fit”

This three-part series looks at what the Bible has to say about placing people on your team or joining a team yourself.

In this series, we have seen that positions on God’s organizational chart are not only needed (Part 1) but also indispensable to building the Body of Christ (Part 2).

But when it comes to the staffing process and placing personnel in various roles, how does God ensure a good fit … especially when the human factor is part of the equation?

man smilingGod’s Appointments are Directed

Paul explains that God “appoints” different positions in the church to different people.  1 Corinthians 12:28 says, “In the church, God appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers …” (NIV, emphasis added.) The word “appoint” in scripture also translates as “sets,” “puts,” and “places.”

God is not passive, watching the staffing procedures from the sidelines. Nor is the process automated, working by default in the background. Rather, God “sets” and “puts” people into position. Leaders choose people to fill those roles, but God directs the process. “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases” (Proverbs 21:1).

God’s Appointments are Deliberate

Further, God’s choice of a position for each person in the Body is not a haphazard afterthought as in, “Oh, no one else is doing this right now, so I’ll stick so-and-so with it.” Rather, God’s choices are deliberate. He intentionally chooses and matches people to fill certain positions because of their strengths … or the opportunity to build those strengths.

God’s Appointments are Purposeful

1 Peter 4:10 says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” The principle of strengths applies to both the business world and to ministry.

The purpose of finding a good fit in a commercial firm is to grow the company, matching the position’s requirements with a candidate’s abilities, education, previous experience, and behavioral skills. Likewise, a good fit in the Body of Christ allows each of us to lead from our strengths so His Kingdom grows.

But there’s a subtle difference between the two in the kind of growth that takes place. In business, the goal is a healthy balance sheet. In God’s economy, while growth can be numeric, it can (and should) also be spiritual.

That’s why God’s appointments are so purposeful. God no doubt considers each person’s abilities when setting them in a position in the Kingdom – whether it’s public speaking, teaching, organizational skills, or serving others – as a means to benefit the Body. But He goes even further.

“A good fit” for God may also be defined in a position that is a stretch for you. You may need to develop the ability to share your story with others. You may need to grow in humility to serve others more graciously. You may need to learn to ask God what to say before you speak. God may be so anxious for you to grow that He creates a position just for you. And as you exercise your gifts, and discover abilities you didn’t know you had, you grow … and so does the ministry.

God deems a good fit for a position when two things happen: we grow and the Body grows. The two are inexorably intertwined.

Will you let Him make a good fit for you?

Read the rest of the series:

Position Series, Part 1: God’s Most-Needed List
Position Series, Part 2: God’s Assignments Have Worth