Designed to facilitate an objective, values-based process for hiring new team members, Position Insights invites you to first understand the position before trying to fill it. Rather than looking at a key individual, this assessment contains a guided process to help hiring managers and teams first understand the characteristics that are best suitable to the job and environment, before comparing candidates to an ideal profile.

    • Compare applicants to an ideal
    • Keep your focus on the position needed and the working environment
    • Gives you insights from which to ask questions in a final interview

What does it include?
Position insights begins with an online assessment that creates a description of an ideal candidate, followed by a detailed report that creates a picture against which to compare available candidates. This is augmented by materials that allow you to execute a smooth, orderly search and filtering process. We recommend using our fast and inexpensive QuickScreen assessment to compare candidates to your Position Insights results for the best fit.

Click Here to see a sample report.

Position Insights Profile *


Combining the Profiles

The Positions Insights Profile works hand-in-hand with the Leading From Your Strengths and the Successful Staffing Guide to give you what you need most: insight in inviting the right people to join your team. We help you clearly define a position, the strengths needed to fill it successfully, and identify strengths in the candidates who apply.

Predictable issues and conflicts can be avoided if the recruiting team or leader assesses how much “strength” or intensity of each one of four key factors is needed for a person to succeed in the job. After completing the Position Insights Profile and identifying these four issues required by the position, your recruiting team can invite candidates to complete the Leading From Your Strengths Profile. Results can then be used to compare a candidate’s strengths in those four areas to the strengths most needed in the position.

Product Delivery

  • Instant Access
  • 10-minute online assessment
  • Results emailed to you instantly

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Downloadable Resources

Successful Staffing Guide coverThe Successful Staffing Guide is a free download. It walks you through a comprehensive 6-step process to fit the right person in the right position. The guide shows you how to incorporate the Position Insights Profiles and Leading From Your Strengths Profiles so you can clearly define a position and select the best candidate based on strengths.

Download the Successful Staffing Guide.


Q. What is the difference between Position Insights Profiles and Leading From Your Strengths Profiles?

A. The Position Insights Profile is a 12-page report that provides a clear and accurate picture of the behavioral demands of a specific job or position. It is completed by a recruiting team answering questions about the strengths demands for a job – not an individual. In contrast, the Leading From Your Strengths Profile is a personalized, 20-page report that captures the strengths of an individual after that person fills out a 10-minute questionnaire. It is a tool that can be used to compare candidates’ strengths to the strengths needed in the job in order to select the best person for that person.

Q. How can the Successful Staffing Guide benefit my team?
A. The Successful Staffing Guide is a free resource which thoroughly explains how to create a position profile for a specific job. The Guide outlines how to go through the recruiting process step-by-step.

Q. Who provides input in creating a Position Insights Profile for a particular position?
A. You can select who contributes to the process. We recommend you identify a small group of 3-5 invested stakeholders, including the hiring manager, position supervisor, current person in the position who is exceeding expectations, and 1-2 people who the position will serve.

Q. Must I use both the Position Insights Profile (to create benchmark strengths) and the Leading From Your Strengths Profile (for potential candidates) in order to successfully fill a position?
A. No. While we urge you to use both tools for the best possible results, the two profiles can be used independently in the candidate selection process.