Registration Confirmed

Thank you and here are some important instruction.

We are so excited you are interested in building your marriage relationship!

God created both you and your spouse with unique strengths – designed to complete each other. You can begin to discover and use those strengths now by completing the Marriage Insights profile questionnaire. It’s free.

Please make sure you complete the online questionnaire in one uninterrupted setting and without input from anyone else. It will take just 10 minutes. After completing the questionnaire, your results will be instantly scored and displayed to the screen in a graph. We will also email you a copy of your results in PDF format.

My marriage to Beth changed radically – for the better – when both of us began the journey to discover our strengths. I pray the same for you.

[jbutton color=”blue” size=”normal” link=””]Click here to complete the profile now.[/jbutton]

And please let us know if you have any questions.


Rodney Cox and the Ministry Insights team