Team-Building: Flip Chart Exercise in Problem-Solving

Put your team’s profile results into practice with this powerful exercise that uses a simple flip chart.

team using a flip chartStep 1

  • Divide your group into 3 groups based on where they fell on the Problem-Solving continuum (aggressive, neutral or reflective).
  • Place each group in separate corners of the room with a flip chart and black marker.
    Instruct the aggressive group to think about how they approach a problem or challenge when it comes up: they tend to focus on it and deal with it now. Ask them to consider how they honestly feel during that process about the people on the reflective side of the scale. What are their true thoughts as they start solving the problem and the reflective people step away from the problem to think about it? Instruct the aggressive group to write their thoughts on the flip chart, not discuss them. Encourage them to be brutally honest.
  • Instruct the reflective group to go through the same process from their point of view. What do they think and how do they honestly feel during a problem-solving process when they step away to think – only to struggle to see the problem as their aggressive colleagues start solving it?
    Instruct the neutral people to write down what they think and feel about both groups.
  • Allow groups work about 5 minutes while you imagine what they writing about each other.

Step 2

  • Have groups place their flip charts back to back. Ask each group to elect a spokesperson.
  • Ask each spokesperson stand face to face (and still see their boards.)
  • Instruct other team members to stand behind their spokesperson to support them.
  • Instruct the aggressive spokesperson to look the reflective spokesperson in the eyes and read their group’s list in a conversational manner, telling them what they think about them. This creates lots of laughter, and in some cases backbiting remarks, but exactly the communication you want.
  • Instruct the reflective spokesperson to do the same, followed by the neutral spokesperson.
  • After each group has spoken, say, “If we are honest, this is exactly what we think about each other.” This creates a strong, eye-opening connection with the entire group because everyone agrees.

Step 3

  • Instruct groups to return to their corners. Using a clean sheet on the flip chart, the aggressives and reflectives can each list ways the opposite strength in the room protects them and completes them. How can they embrace the opposite strength instead of judge and resist it?
  • Instruct the neutral group to write down what they bring to both groups.
  • Have groups place the flip charts back to back again. Ask the spokespersons read what they wrote to each other, just as they did previously. Have the neutrals do the same.
  • Challenge the group to embrace what they have learned about God’s design for strengths and to live life differently – united instead of divided.

This is amazingly compelling exercise as the group just melts together in a deeper understanding and appreciation for each other.  Use it as you seek to build strong teams with the Leading From Your Strengths profile.