Team Building: Ideas for Leading Team Devotionals About Strengths

As you consider content to use for your team devotionals, we invite you to regularly include topics about strengths.

young teamIn doing so, you and your team members can continue to find ways to use your individual strengths on the team, value the strengths of other team members, and be stronger together.

Here are some ideas for leading team devotionals about strengths. This list is just a starting point. Customize your team devotionals to the format and length that works well for your team. And please share with us additional ideas you use for team devotionals about strengths!

Team Devotional Ideas

  • Read and discuss specific scriptures that directly address strengths:

1 Corinthians 12
Romans 12:3-8
Ephesians 4:11-13
1 Peter 4:10
Ephesians 2:10

(Click here for a handout you can print that includes those scriptures.)

  • Read and discuss the story of a Bible character that demonstrates a particular strength. How did this person use their God-given bent to help or build up others? (Get ideas here and here.)
  • Share about a time when you were able to use one of your strengths in a fulfilling way. Or ask another team member to share about a time when he used his strengths. Note that sharing about strengths is not arrogant or boastful, but rather provides a way you and team members can better understand ways to give away your strengths for kingdom impact. (Be sure to invite the team member ahead of time so he has time to think about it and prepare.)
  • Describe a situation in which you noticed how two team members used their different strengths to blend and accomplish a task together in a way that benefitted the team.
  • Discuss one principle of the Mystery of Differences in depth with your team: Understanding Differences, Understanding Yourself, Understanding Others, and Understanding How to Blend. You may even choose to work through these four topics sequentially in four brief devotional times.
  • Lead your team in a short time of prayer, inviting them to pray together to commit the team’s strengths to work together for the Kingdom.

Share with us your ideas for leading devotionals about strengths with your team!

Leading From Your Strengths (LFYS) Profiles empower Christian leaders, churches, and ministries to discover and use your God-given strengths and be stronger for it individually and together. 

More Team Building Tools

Team Devotional: Encourage Each Other Today

Team Devotional: We Complete Each Other

Team Exercise: Do Differences Divide or Unite Your Team?