Introducing QuickStyle Assessments

We all react uniquely to new information and plans, which can result in team conflict. But most communication snafus can be avoided by simply understanding our differences and appreciating the strengths of others.

That’s why we’re introducing QuickStyle Assessments.

QuickStyle Assessments are a consolidated format of the Leading From Your Strengths report.

Each team member’s QuickStyle gives you a snapshot of that person’s strengths, ideal environment, communication barriers and tips, keys to motivation – all the information you’ll get in a full LFYS report, but on one page for quick viewing.

In less than twenty minutes, you and your team members complete individual assessments and then walk through a team meeting to share communication barriers and tips. You can find out in minutes how to motivate each other.

Then you’re back to getting things done. But now, you’re working as a stronger team.

Why Use QuickStyle?

Remote work brings new stresses into an already difficult time. It’s easy to get the wrong impression from a text or an email, creating conflict that weakens relationships and slows progress. Or maybe you have some new ideas to roll out, but you’re not sure which of your people to take them to in times of extra stress.

You’d like to have a full day team retreat to build your team and communicate better, but team members cannot arrange to be together … you’re already pressed for time … resources are strained.

Wouldn’t it be helpful to know the best way to ask questions and interact with your team, even when you’re not working in the same room? That’s why we created QuickStyle assessments – to help remote teams work and communicate better in less time and for less expense.

Easy to Read, Easy to Implement

Instead of a long report, QuickStyle is a one-page format of bullets and graphs, letting you get to the most important communication issues quickly. Plus, it’s less expensive than a full LFYS report so you can save money during challenging economic times.

The QuickStyle process is simple.

  • Step 1: Assessment
    Each team member answers a multiple-choice assessment and receives a unique, 1-page QuickStyle Assessment, all in just 15 minutes.
  • Step 2: Team Meeting
    You and your team use the simple guide for talking about communication styles and the strengths that each member brings to the team.
  • Step 3: Get Back To It
    With a renewed sense of value for one another, you return to your work as a strong team that faces challenges head-on.

Your Complete Data on One Page

QuickStyle is a consolidated report of a full Leading From Your Strengths profile. You can use it now to jumpstart your team discussions.

Down the road, you can request your QuickStyle report in a full version Leading From Your Strengths profile for a small fee.

Special Offer

We planned to release the QuickStyle Assessment at the Ministry Insights Equipping Conference, but we want to make it available now at a reduced rate ($8-12 per person based on volume). Give your team the means to get stronger together and watch them become more effective than ever.

Click here to learn more about QuickStyle Assessments and be on your way toward stronger teams.

More about Team Building

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Ideas for Leading Team Devotionals to Build Strengths

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