Articles & Resources

Ways a Certified Practitioner Can Help You, Part 3

March 17, 2014
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Four Ways You Are Unique Third in a series explaining how Certified Practitioners help you process profiles Your Leading From Your Strengths Profiles presents four areas of strengths in which you are unique: solving problems, processing information, managing change, and facing risk. Each person operates within these four areas each day. They are inescapable. A…

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Parenting From Your Strengths, Part 3

October 22, 2013
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Bury, Boast, or Build Your Personal Strengths? Third in a four-part series on parenting from your strengths Differences divide families today as never before. A large percentage of homes are filled with conflict, isolation, brokenness, or crisis – and Christians are not immune. Fortunately, new generations understand the value of the family as our social…

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