Articles & Resources

Discover Your True Identity in Christ: Embracing God’s Unconditional Love

May 13, 2024
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We all have an innate desire to understand our identity and purpose in life. However, many of us struggle with feelings of shame, guilt, and a distorted view of how God sees us. In his powerful new book, “Your True Reflection,” Don Ankenbrandt addresses this issue head-on, inviting readers to discover their true identity in…

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Growing Together: Strength in Marriage

June 23, 2021
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We’ve all heard it, and we all know it. Opposites attract.  There’s a certain intensity or chemistry that bubbles up when you meet that special someone who is your polar opposite, like two magnets irrefutably drawn together. Although that opposition can be exciting and fun, it can become – over time – annoying. The very…

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Noel Meador

Heroes in Uniform Become Heroes at Home

January 17, 2020
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Transformed Couple Builds Marriage Program that Enriches Military Families Noel Meador and his wife Karissa struggled during their first three years of marriage. “I was working eighty hours a week as a pastor,” says Noel. “I didn’t realize that Karissa and I had very different ideas of what it meant to be married and to…

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Executive coach Cory Carlson

Coaching: Win At Home First

July 24, 2019
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An Interview with Cory Carlson Executive coach Cory Carlson recently sat down with Ministry Insights to share what he has learned about work-life balance and becoming a better leader, husband, and father. MI: You worked in corporate America for two decades. Why did you leave that behind and become an executive coach? Cory: That journey…

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Family: Martha Gets a Bad Rap

October 16, 2017
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Guest Post by Pam Taylor One reason we experience stress in our family and in relationships is our differences. God created each of us with different personality types and different spiritual gifts. We subconsciously expect people – even family members – to see things from the same perspective as we do. I see this problem…

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