Articles & Resources

Strong Leaders Leave a Legacy

June 26, 2023
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In a recent podcast interview with Chick-fil-A’s Trudy Cathy White, she talked about the importance of leaving a legacy. Trudy reminded us to, “make the most of every opportunity given to us.” These days, Trudy’s leadership legacy speaks for itself, and so we couldn’t help but contemplate how important leaving a legacy is in the…

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How Leaders Can Cultivate the Soil of a Positive Culture

January 23, 2023
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In our recent podcast interview with Chick-fil-A’s longtime Chief Marketing Officer, Steve Robinson, Rodney Cox asked him how leaders can cultivate a positive culture. A workplace’s culture is a collection of attitudes and beliefs about how things are done, internally and externally. Steve had written in his book that “culture is the soil from which…

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