Articles & Resources

Devotional: Give Thanks for Your Strengths

November 16, 2015
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What do you give thanks for as you gather around the Thanksgiving table? Food … a warm home … a loving family … freedom … clean water … financial provision … health … Consider adding one more item to your list this year: give thanks to God for your strengths. You may hesitate to do…

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Events to Equip You To Use Your Strengths

January 22, 2015
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Every person has strengths. But do the people in your life know theirs … and understand how to use them? You can help those around you understand and use your strengths together. Invite one of the speakers from the Ministry Insights team to share about leading from your strengths with your group at one of…

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Devotional: Understanding Your Strengths – Focus on the A’s

November 5, 2013
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Focus on the A’s, Not the F’s Your weaknesses or your strengths: which are easiest for you to recognize? To find out, try this exercise. On one side of a 3 x 5 index card, record your three greatest weaknesses. Turn the card over. On the second side, write down your three greatest strengths. Which…

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Your Place In God’s Story, Part 2

June 11, 2013
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Why Am I Here? Second in a 4-part series about finding and living out your life’s purpose The next time you’re waiting in line at the grocery store, take a look at the people around you. Three out of the four of them yearn for their life to have significance, says pollster George Barna. His…

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