Articles & Resources

Roger Orman leads teams to adapt

Teams: You Can Maximize How You Adapt

September 15, 2016
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Mistaken Identity Leads Ministry Director to LFYS Profile “I discovered Leading From Your Strengths by accident,” confesses Roger Orman, a director with the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board. “It was a case of mistaken identity.” For years, Roger had used Gallup StrengthsFinder in his work as a pastor and later as Associate Director of the South…

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Pastor Uses Profiles to Help Leaders Transition – Including Himself

March 16, 2016
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Friends in the SC Baptist State Convention introduced Dale Roach to the Leading From Your Strengths profile soon after he took on the role Director of Missions for the Moriah Baptist Association (Lancaster, SC). “I showed the profile results to my wife and watched her smile,” says Dale. “All she could say was, ‘This is…

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