Articles & Resources

Reinventing Yourself As A Leader

April 3, 2023
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During a recent podcast episode, Rodney interviewed Ben Mandrell, Lifeway’s President and CEO. During our conversation, Ben was asked about the need for ministries to adapt to the changing landscape. Ben responded affirmingly with, “We are not the same Lifeway that we were. I think about every seven years…you have to basically reinvent yourself.” As…

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LifeWay Consultant Finds Profile’s Impact Is Like a “Divine Revelation”

August 5, 2015
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Doug Akers Uses Profiles in Church Consulting “LifeWay deals directly with over 40,000 churches,” says Doug Akers, speaking of the Nashville-TN-based leading provider of Bibles, curriculum, books, audio/visual and Christian resources. That’s a lot of churches. Doug serves as Lifeway’s lead church consultant, helping to equip teams across the U.S. to maximize their ministry. Leading…

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