Articles & Resources

Pastor-Turned-Administrator Helps Leaders Battle Isolation, Build Community

September 17, 2019
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Pastor to Pastors Uses LFYS Profiles to Connect, Affirm, Resource, and Encourage Leaders During the nineteen years that Ron Martin pastored local churches, he observed increasing isolation among ministers and people in general. He saw pastors and colleagues push through the vocation’s season-after-season pressures with little accountability, lack of affirmation, and even absence of support.…

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Jon Taylor led his church staff in a successful transition to a team leadership model.

Profiles Help 3 Pastors Successfully Transition to New Team Model

May 7, 2018
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Jon Taylor moved into the lead pastor role at First Christian Church of Phoenix during a major staff transition: the church shifted to a team leadership model. Two factors helped pave the way for the transition. First, Jon had been serving at the church as executive pastor, so he was already familiar with the staff…

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Pastor Uses Profiles to Help Leaders Transition – Including Himself

March 16, 2016
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Friends in the SC Baptist State Convention introduced Dale Roach to the Leading From Your Strengths profile soon after he took on the role Director of Missions for the Moriah Baptist Association (Lancaster, SC). “I showed the profile results to my wife and watched her smile,” says Dale. “All she could say was, ‘This is…

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Two Lies About Your Pastor

January 25, 2016
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“Me – lie about my pastor?” If you’re like most in the church, you are horrified at the thought. None of us likes to think we’re perpetuating untruths about our spiritual leader. But you may be – albeit unwittingly. It happens when you accept commonly-held beliefs without question. Beliefs like … Lie #1: “My pastor…

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Counselor Invests in Marriages and Teams Using Profiles

July 31, 2014
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During the 40+ years as a lead pastor, Jimmy McLeod discovered his special abilities in counseling individuals and conducting support groups, later honing those skills by becoming a board certified pastoral counselor. Today, Jimmy counsels individuals, couples, and families full-time at Becomer Counseling Services, and also consults with churches, community groups, and service organizations. The…

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