Articles & Resources

Devotional: Don’t Ignore Your Trump Cards

October 21, 2014
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A Devotional About Focusing on Your Strengths David suppressed a grin. Joan, to his left, led a six of diamonds. Brian, across from him, followed suit and played a queen of diamonds, thinking he would take the trick. Shari threw down a jack of diamonds in disgust. “I needed that trick!” she exclaimed. “But I…

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Devotional: How Is Your Eyesight — Fuzzy or Clear?

August 13, 2013
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Is Your Eyesight Out of Focus? If your vision is less than 20/20 you’ve experienced that “Eureka!” moment. As the optometrist places glasses on the bridge of your nose, you open your eyes and poof! You can see clearly – whereas before, images were fuzzy and indistinct. When you can’t see well, life is unnecessarily…

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