Articles & Resources

Dale Sellers

Guest Post: The Truth About Culture and Strategy

September 13, 2017
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Why Ministries Need to Rethink a Common Mantra  By Dale Sellers There is a popular phrase often attributed to iconic management consultant Peter Drucker (1909-2005) that says, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” After careful research, I discovered that there is actually no evidence that Drucker ever made this statement. In fact, there is no evidence…

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LifeWay Consultant Finds Profile’s Impact Is Like a “Divine Revelation”

August 5, 2015
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Doug Akers Uses Profiles in Church Consulting “LifeWay deals directly with over 40,000 churches,” says Doug Akers, speaking of the Nashville-TN-based leading provider of Bibles, curriculum, books, audio/visual and Christian resources. That’s a lot of churches. Doug serves as Lifeway’s lead church consultant, helping to equip teams across the U.S. to maximize their ministry. Leading…

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