Articles & Resources

Ways a Certified Practitioner Can Help You, Part 4

March 25, 2014
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Get the Most Out of Your Profile Data Fourth in a series explaining how Certified Practitioners help you process profiles After you complete a Leading From Your Strengths profile assessment, you receive a 20-page personalized profile report. Its length alone provides a considerable amount of useful information. You will gain some initial insight simply by…

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Devotional: Understanding Your Strengths – Focus on the A’s

November 5, 2013
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Focus on the A’s, Not the F’s Your weaknesses or your strengths: which are easiest for you to recognize? To find out, try this exercise. On one side of a 3 x 5 index card, record your three greatest weaknesses. Turn the card over. On the second side, write down your three greatest strengths. Which…

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Devotional: Pen In Hand – Embracing Your Strengths

July 2, 2013
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Which Hand You Write With … and Why It Matters A devotional about embracing your strengths Right-handed or left-handed? Just 1% of the population are equally adept at using both. The rest of us are more dexterous in one hand over the other, particularly in everyday tasks like signing our names or brushing our teeth.…

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