Articles & Resources

Jodie O'Shannassy leads a group of volunteers in ministry at her local hospital using LFYS

Volunteers: Profiles Help Pastoral Caregivers Serve Hurting Patients, Families

May 30, 2019
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Jodie O’Shannassy and her hospital volunteers use LFYS to gain understanding for each other and those they serve Hospital chaplain Jodie O’Shannassy serves with three other leaders to coordinate a team of 30-40 pastoral care volunteers serving in hospitals that are part of the Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service (DDHHS) throughout southern Queensland, Australia.…

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Position Series, Part 1: What Positions Are on God’s Most-Needed List?

February 18, 2013
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What Positions Are on God’s Most-Needed List? This three-part series looks at what the Bible has to say about placing people on your team or joining a team yourself. Three valid questions any organization or church should ask before hiring staff or inviting volunteers to serve are: Is this position really necessary? How does the…

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