Articles & Resources

Coaching the Coaches with the Profiles

September 17, 2014
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Profiles Help Tony Husted Build Credibility Professionally – and Personally Christian life coach Tony Husted, co-founder of new personal development ministry Awyken, wasn’t always tuned into how others could best use their strengths. Yet today the Leading From Your Strengths profiles are an integral part of Tony’s coaching process, thanks in large part to a…

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A Map of Your Profile Report, Part 3: Your Ideal Environment

June 3, 2014
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Third in a series that explains components of the Leading From Your Strengths profiles Leading From Your Strengths (LFYS) Profiles are personalized, detailed 20-page reports which accurately describe your individual habitual patterns of behavior, thought, emotion, and communication. They provide you with sophisticated, objective insights and action steps about your unique strengths – data you…

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CEO Uses Profiles to Build His Team — and Others

June 1, 2014
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  ACE South Africa CEO Graham Yoko was first drawn to the Leading From Your Strengths profiles when listening to a Focus on the Family radio interview with Dr. John Trent, profile co-creator. “I have always been passionate about people finding their ‘groove’ in life,” says Graham. “This sounded like a tool that I could…

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Life Coach Guides 20-Somethings to Identity and Purpose

April 30, 2014
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“Young adults are looking for a sense of direction,” says life coach Annie Wukelic. “The Leading From Your Strengths profiles hook them in because they love learning about themselves and discovering their identity.” After ten years as a registered nurse and stint as children’s ministry director at a large west coast church Annie turned to…

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Transitions: Canadian Leader Helps Midlifers, Teams Transition Well

March 28, 2014
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Dr. Dan Reinhardt and CREST Leadership use profiles to guide midlife leaders After eighteen years of pastoral leadership, Dr. Dan Reinhardt took a sabbatical to pursue a doctorate in ministry leadership. As he conducted his thesis research he discovered the absence of leadership training material for mid-life leaders. CREST Leadership is an outgrowth of Dan’s…

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Ways a Certified Practitioner Can Help You, Part 4

March 25, 2014
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Get the Most Out of Your Profile Data Fourth in a series explaining how Certified Practitioners help you process profiles After you complete a Leading From Your Strengths profile assessment, you receive a 20-page personalized profile report. Its length alone provides a considerable amount of useful information. You will gain some initial insight simply by…

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Ways a Certified Practitioner Can Help You, Part 3

March 17, 2014
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Four Ways You Are Unique Third in a series explaining how Certified Practitioners help you process profiles Your Leading From Your Strengths Profiles presents four areas of strengths in which you are unique: solving problems, processing information, managing change, and facing risk. Each person operates within these four areas each day. They are inescapable. A…

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Versatility: Pastor, Educator Uses Profiles Across Ministry Areas

February 19, 2014
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When the Leading From Your Strengths profile was released in 2001, a friend presented Dr. Greg Hibbins with a complimentary copy. Greg completed the assessment – and the personal impact was profound. “The profile data helped me to understand who I am in Christ even after being in ministry so many years,” says Greg. “I…

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Are the profiles available in other languages?

June 26, 2012
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One of the most frequent questions we get is about the availability of the profile in other languages. Currently, the Leading From Your Strengths Profile is the only profile that is fully translated into Spanish. That means that both the online questionnaire and the profile results are available in Spanish. When a respondent logs onto…

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