Pastor Marty Tobin and his wife Debe have been leading marriage workshops for more than two decades. Typically, at the close of each session, workshop participants crowd to the front to speak to the couple. Some ask for additional counseling. Others ask the Tobins to speak at a retreat or invite them to their church…
Read MoreTransformed Couple Builds Marriage Program that Enriches Military Families Noel Meador and his wife Karissa struggled during their first three years of marriage. “I was working eighty hours a week as a pastor,” says Noel. “I didn’t realize that Karissa and I had very different ideas of what it meant to be married and to…
Read MoreAn Interview with Cory Carlson Executive coach Cory Carlson recently sat down with Ministry Insights to share what he has learned about work-life balance and becoming a better leader, husband, and father. MI: You worked in corporate America for two decades. Why did you leave that behind and become an executive coach? Cory: That journey…
Read MoreAl and Lori Elmore have been married for more than three decades and describe themselves as “happily incompatible.” Their enthusiasm for healthy relationships is evident in the marriage classes and retreats they’ve led over the years, which took an exciting turn when they were introduced to the Different By Design (DBD) curriculum. The Elmores first…
Read More“I wish I had read your book, Love & Money, in the 70’s and early 80’s (of course, well before it was published),” says writer Stephen Griffith. “In particular, if only I’d known “The Five Dangers of Riches” you describe in the book, I may have avoided some problems or at least remembered the truth…
Read MoreInsights are short, biblical truths to equip you to lead from your strengths. Dave and Joan sat on opposite sides of the dining room table, their checkbook in the middle. “That is not what I think we should do,” said Joan, pointing to the checkbook. Dave shook his head. “I just don’t understand you.” Like…
Read MoreInsights are short, biblical truths to equip you to lead from your strengths. Healthy couples recognize that processing grief is like solving a problem. If two spouses solve problems differently, they also may grieve differently – even when they face the same situation. During a season of grief, a husband and wife can affirm the…
Read MoreInsights are short, biblical truths to equip you to lead from your strengths. You hear about it all the time: a married couple is torn apart when taking on a new responsibility like buying a home … increased obligations at work … a long-term house guest … aging parents …the birth of a child ……
Read MoreInsights are short, biblical truths to equip you to lead from your strengths. Zeke and his wife had a problem. They desperately wanted a child. But Liz was infertile and the couple had no access to specialized infertility care. Zeke and Liz had done all the right things. They had taken care of themselves. They…
Read MoreRodney Cox and Don Blanton explain how love and money intersect in marriage — and how couples can blend their strengths to build a strong marriage — in this 30-minute interview with wealth managers and radio personalities Terry and Deborah Owens on their NPR show, “Love and Money.” Rodney and Don explain how their book,…
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