A Quick Guide to Building a Strong Ministry Team

Ministry teams are more than just a group of volunteers who “get things done”. They are the heart and soul of the church and offer a wonderful opportunity for others to serve the Lord with their talents. 

A strong ministry team also keeps a church healthy. Without a supportive team, pastoral staff and church leaders would be continually stressed and burnt out. 

But most importantly, a strong ministry team can develop Christian leaders who further the church’s mission and work to build the kingdom of God with their service. 

As important as a strong ministry team is, many churches struggle to create the best team. There’s often a disconnect between the church’s needs with how to mobilize and grow a well-intentioned team of volunteers.

When it comes to recruiting and building a strong and supportive ministry team, here are 3 things to strongly consider.


Build a team that compliments your leadership strengths and allows others to work within theirs.

For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ, we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. – Romans 12:4-5

Successful church leaders understand what their strengths and weaknesses are. They also know the best way to grow a healthy church is to develop a team with various skill sets for a well-balanced support system. And most importantly, they recognize that the heart of Christian leadership is calling others to serve the body of Christ with their given talents.


Empower your people to lead.

Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness. – Matthew 10:1

Assembling a church ministry team should always be done with the intent to grow more church leaders. That means equipping them and allowing them to lead in their respective ministries. Developing strong ministry leaders may require training or resources so they can become more competent in their roles. It’s also essential that everyone understands you are all working towards the same goal, and they are equally important to the overall mission and vision of the church. 


Create an open space to communicate freely.

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. – Colossians 4:6

The best way to create an open space for everyone to communicate freely is through trust. By establishing trust with each ministry leader, you will develop a safe relationship where everyone can feel comfortable and not limited to what they share. It will allow them to speak freely about what’s on their hearts and develop a strong spirit amongst your team.

To help build and strengthen your ministry team, try our Leading From Your Strengths assessment or the mini version QuickStrengths.

LFYS Building Close-Knit
Ministry Teams Book

team whitewater raftingBuilding strong, effective ministry teams is like taking a whitewater-rafting trip, with many unexpected rapids along the way.

Whether you’re a pastor or ministry leader, a lay leader or a team member, the principles you learn in Leading From Your Strengths: Building Strong Ministry Teams can make a tremendous difference in how effective and intimate your ministry team becomes.

From eye-opening stories, to understanding the four inescapable “transitions” every team must face, to taking an online strengths assessment, you’ll discover your unique God-given strengths, learn to understand and appreciate the strengths of others, and learn to blend the differences to create intimacy, effectiveness, and cooperation in your ministry and relationships like never before.

LFYS Building Close-Knit
Ministry Teams eBook

team whitewater raftingBuilding strong, effective ministry teams is like taking a whitewater-rafting trip, with many unexpected rapids along the way.

Whether you’re a pastor or ministry leader, a lay leader or a team member, the principles you learn in Leading From Your Strengths: Building Strong Ministry Teams can make a tremendous difference in how effective and intimate your ministry team becomes.

From eye-opening stories, to understanding the four inescapable “transitions” every team must face, to taking an online strengths assessment, you’ll discover your unique God-given strengths, learn to understand and appreciate the strengths of others, and learn to blend the differences to create intimacy, effectiveness, and cooperation in your ministry and relationships like never before.

Team-Building: Flip Chart Exercise in Problem-Solving

Put your team’s profile results into practice with this powerful exercise that uses a simple flip chart.

team using a flip chartStep 1

  • Divide your group into 3 groups based on where they fell on the Problem-Solving continuum (aggressive, neutral or reflective).
  • Place each group in separate corners of the room with a flip chart and black marker.
    Instruct the aggressive group to think about how they approach a problem or challenge when it comes up: they tend to focus on it and deal with it now. Ask them to consider how they honestly feel during that process about the people on the reflective side of the scale. What are their true thoughts as they start solving the problem and the reflective people step away from the problem to think about it? Instruct the aggressive group to write their thoughts on the flip chart, not discuss them. Encourage them to be brutally honest.
  • Instruct the reflective group to go through the same process from their point of view. What do they think and how do they honestly feel during a problem-solving process when they step away to think – only to struggle to see the problem as their aggressive colleagues start solving it?
    Instruct the neutral people to write down what they think and feel about both groups.
  • Allow groups work about 5 minutes while you imagine what they writing about each other.

Step 2

  • Have groups place their flip charts back to back. Ask each group to elect a spokesperson.
  • Ask each spokesperson stand face to face (and still see their boards.)
  • Instruct other team members to stand behind their spokesperson to support them.
  • Instruct the aggressive spokesperson to look the reflective spokesperson in the eyes and read their group’s list in a conversational manner, telling them what they think about them. This creates lots of laughter, and in some cases backbiting remarks, but exactly the communication you want.
  • Instruct the reflective spokesperson to do the same, followed by the neutral spokesperson.
  • After each group has spoken, say, “If we are honest, this is exactly what we think about each other.” This creates a strong, eye-opening connection with the entire group because everyone agrees.

Step 3

  • Instruct groups to return to their corners. Using a clean sheet on the flip chart, the aggressives and reflectives can each list ways the opposite strength in the room protects them and completes them. How can they embrace the opposite strength instead of judge and resist it?
  • Instruct the neutral group to write down what they bring to both groups.
  • Have groups place the flip charts back to back again. Ask the spokespersons read what they wrote to each other, just as they did previously. Have the neutrals do the same.
  • Challenge the group to embrace what they have learned about God’s design for strengths and to live life differently – united instead of divided.

This is amazingly compelling exercise as the group just melts together in a deeper understanding and appreciation for each other.  Use it as you seek to build strong teams with the Leading From Your Strengths profile.


Leading From Your Strengths (Revised Edition)Building Close-Knit Ministry Teams

The Leading From Your Strengths process for building close-knit ministry teams is designed to help you discover unique personalities hidden in your team. Understanding these unique personalities will help you identify and reduce predictable conflict and work together in ways to affirm each person’s God-give strengths.

[jtabs theme=”cupertino” size=”small”]

Overview ::

eBook – Leading From Your Strengths (Revised Edition): Building Strong Ministry Teams

team whitewater raftingBuilding strong, effective ministry teams is like taking a whitewater-rafting trip, with many unexpected rapids along the way.

Whether you’re a pastor or ministry leader, a lay leader or a team member, the principles you learn in Leading From Your Strengths: Building Strong Ministry Teams can make a tremendous difference in how effective and intimate your ministry team becomes.

From eye-opening stories, to understanding the four inescapable “transitions” every team must face, to taking an online strengths assessment, you’ll discover your unique God-given strengths, learn to understand and appreciate the strengths of others, and learn to blend the differences to create intimacy, effectiveness, and cooperation in your ministry and relationships like never before.


Book Details ::

Table of Contents

Chapter 1:  Ministries Hanging in the Balance

Chapter 2: Getting a Feel For What Follows

Chapter 3:  River School

Chapter 4: The “Problems and Challenges” Transition

Chapter 5: The “People and Information” Transition

Chapter 6: The “Pace and Change” Transition”

Chapter 7: The “Rules and Procedures” Transition

Chapter 8: Life Lessons from the River

Chapter 9: Into the River and on with Your Journey!

Chapter 10: Core and Adapted Styles

Chapter 11: Rolling on the River

Chapter 12: The Leading From Your Strengths Wheel

Chapter 13: Putting All You’ve Learned Into Practice


Team Combo Pack::

Strong Ministry Teams Combo Pack

3 people in a rafting boat on riverThe Leading From Your Strengths: Building Strong Ministry TeamsCombo Pack provides a copy of the hardcover book and access to a Leading From Your Strengths Profile (questionnaire and customized report) for a $5.00 savings than if ordered separately.

Availability: Instant delivery of the book and profile.

Combo Pack
Leading From Your Strengths
eBook and Profile



What People Say::

What People Say About
Leading From Your Strengths: Building Strong Ministry Teams

team preparing to go rafting

“Thank you so much for the great work that you do. I used six copies of Leading from Your Strengths to study with my international student ministry team. Our team has really grown together, and it is amazing to see the different gifts that God has given us. You might consider having Leading From Your Strengths translated into German and other languages.  I believe that this book would be perfect for Campus Crusade for Christ leadership teams in Germany and elsewhere.”
Lucas Wehner, MBA, Halle, Germany

“This is a great book. Excellent presentation, easy to read, great importance, could be life-changing.”
Daniel H.

“If you are involved with a ministry team, church staff, supporting a mission team or an elder overseeing a church staff, this book can be a helpful guide down the white water of ‘team shock’ associated with personality conflicts and team dynamics.”
Greg T.

“This is an excellent book for teams to read together and work through. It is written in an easy-flowing style that brings you into the story. To get the most benefit from the book, I highly recommend taking the assessment test which can be found online. The material in the book along with the assessment really gives a great picture of who you are and shows how you interact and communicate with others. I would recommend the book and assessment for all team members and new hires.”
Mark P.

“After buying this book, I could not put it down. It is simply structured and to the point, with short chapters and understandable English. The information is very practical with a storyline (white river rafting — you will enjoy) and journal-type questions at the end of each chapter, made it easy to follow in a busy work schedule. Although this book is published for those in church ministry, it is just as applicable in the secular and business world. I will strongly recommend this practical book to new upcoming church planters, dynamic Christian organizations, and “Christians at Work” support groups.”
Manual T.


How To Order::

rafting team preparing to go on riverHow to Order Book and Combo Pack

Both Leading From Your Strengths: Building Strong Ministry Teams and the Combo Pack (book and profile) can be purchased at this website using an email address and a valid credit card (Visa, Master Card, Discover, or American Express). Your personal information is safe through our secure shopping cart system. Take these steps:

  • Click on “Add to Cart” at the right to select product.
  • Fill out the online order form completely. Billing information needs to match the credit card’s billing address to complete your order.
  • View and print your receipt displayed onscreen at the end of the checkout process. You’ll also receive a copy by email.
  • If you ordered the Combo Pack, look in the email for your single-use password code, which you will use to complete your online profile assessment. Once you complete the online questionnaire (in 10 minutes or less), results will be delivered immediately to your inbox.
  • Regardless of what you order, your credit card statement will show charges to Ministry Insights or Insights International.


Related Resources ::

[jbox color=”yellow” icon=”https://www.ministryinsights.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/cover-lfys-75X98.gif” title=”Leading From Your Strengths Profile”]

Every person going through the book or Teambuilding kit contents should take and print the Leading From Your Strengths Profile. This quick and simple online assessment, you will immediately receive a comprehensive, objective, and personalized report, where you will gain tremendous insight into your natural strengths and how those strengths are operating in your life.



[jbox color=”yellow” icon=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/cover-position-75X97.gif” title=”Position Insights Profile”]

Inviting the right people into ministry, whether paid or volunteer, can be one of the toughest challenges leaders, ministry teams and search committees face. To help you address that challenge, the Position Insights Profile will identify the strengths needed and what the demands of any position are before the recruiting process starts.

Note: Electronic codes are delivered instantly



[jbox color=”yellow” icon=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/TBDK-75X67.gif” title=”Team Building Discovery Kit”]

The Leading From Your Strengths Team-Building Discovery Kit is the versatile and powerful turn-key curriculum that is designed to help you and your team better understand your unique strengths and how to blend and build those strengths.


  • 10 one-hour training modules
  • DVD teaching featuring Dr. John Trent and Rodney Cox
  • Poster-sized LFYS “Strengths Wheel” to capture and compare your entire group’s strengths
  • Discount codes for participants’ on-line assessments
  • Audio book of Leading From Your Strengths
  • Memory aids for future team growth

Note: 3-5 day delivery

[icon_text url=”” color=”red” type=”icon_warning”] On Sale [/icon_text]$179.95
(Retail $249.00)




[jbox color=”yellow” icon=”https://www.ministryinsights.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/cover-lfys-75X98.gif” title=”Leading From Your Strengths Profile”]

Every person going through the Teambuilding ket contents should take and print the Leading From Your Strengths Profile. This quick and simple online assessment, you will immediately receive a comprehensive, objective, and personalized report, where you will gain tremendous insight into your natural strengths and how those strengths are operating in your life.



[jbox color=”yellow” icon=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/cover-position-75X97.gif” title=”Position Insights Profile”]

Inviting the right people into ministry, whether paid or volunteer, can be one of the toughest challenges leaders, ministry teams and search committees face. To help you address that challenge, the Position Insights Profile will identify the strengths needed and what the demands of any position are before the recruiting process starts.

Note: Electronic codes are delivered instantly



[jbox color=”yellow” icon=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/TBDK-75X67.gif” title=”Team Building Discovery Kit”]

The Leading From Your Strengths Team-Building Discovery Kit is the versatile and powerful turn-key curriculum that is designed to help you and your team better understand your unique strengths and how to blend and build those strengths.


  • 10 one-hour training modules
  • DVD teaching featuring Dr. John Trent and Rodney Cox
  • Poster-sized LFYS “Strengths Wheel” to capture and compare your entire group’s strengths
  • Discount codes for participants’ on-line assessments
  • Audio book of Leading From Your Strengths
  • Memory aids for future team growth

Note: 3-5 day delivery

[icon_text url=”” color=”red” type=”icon_warning”] On Sale [/icon_text]$179.95
(Retail $249.00) Now FREE ONLINE



[jbox color=”blue” vgradient=”#fdfeff|#bae3ff” shadow=”7″ title=”Purchase”]


Downloadable eBook Version




Combo Pack
Leading From Your Strengths
eBook and Profile

Availability: Instant delivery of the profile and eBook.



Curriculum: Leading From Your Strengths Team-Building Kit


Imagine a team where every member feels understood. Where each one’s God-given strengths are valued and fully integrated … where each member knows how to effectively communicate and cooperate with others.

The Leading From Your Strengths Team-Building Kit is a versatile and powerful curriculum that equips your team to understand each others’ strengths and how those strengths work together.

Healthy, high-functioning teams are no accident. To build close-knit ministry teams, members need to understand and value each other’s strengths, and then draw on those differences to make a stronger whole.

NOTE: Our Team-Building Kit is now offered online for FREE. Click here.

[jtabs theme=”cupertino” size=”small”]

Kit Overview ::

a team working together on a projectThe kit guides your group through the team building process. The Leading From Your Strengths Profile, completed by all participants prior to your team-building event, provides the foundation for that understanding. During your event, members build on the insight from the profile reports by discovering how to value and blend their strengths. Then, your team transitions from learning to application.

The Leading From Your Strengths Team-Building Discovery Kit is the ultimate way to build close-knit ministries. Our promise to you is that this process will transform members of your group into a productive, cohesive team.

Kit Key Benefits

  • Self-Understanding: equip each participant to discover his natural strengths.
  • Team Understanding: recognize the unique qualities and strengths in other participants.
  • Communication: learn to interact in the group productively with fewer conflicts.
  • Cohesiveness: learn to blend member differences to bring out each others’ strengths.
  • Efficiency: increase overall team effectiveness.
  • Problem-Solving: acquire a new approach to team problem-solving.
  • Application: adopt “C.L.E.A.R.,” a 5-step learning process that equips members to transfer information to application.


Kit Contents::

The Leading From Your Strengths Team-Building Discovery Kit is a turn-key curriculum that contains all resources you and your group members need to understand your differences and build a productive, efficient, energized team. The kit allows any facilitator to walk a group through the team-building experience, no matter what kind of experience or exposure the facilitator has had in the strengths movement.

The kit contains:

  • Promotional materials:fully-reproducible campaign materials to explain and promote your team-building event
  • Facilitator’s Guide: a guide structured to help any leader facilitate an exceptional training experience, formatted in 10 training modules
  • Participant’s Manual: user’s guide with reproducible rights for the number of participants in your group
  • CD-Rom: an easy-to-use CD containing all materials, including rights to
  • Teaching DVD: 10 one-hour teaching segments featuring Dr. John Trent and Rodney Cox
  • Strengths Wheel: a poster-sized version of the LFYS “Strengths Wheel” to capture and compare your entire group’s strengths
  • LFYS (Leading From Your Strengths) Profiles: discount codes for participants’ online assessments
  • Audio book: Leading From Your Strengths
  • Memory aids: tools to use for future team growth


How To Use the Kit::

The Leading From Your Strengths Team-Building Discovery Kit is a versatile and powerful curriculum that equips your team to understand each others’ strengths and how those strengths work together.

Who Can Use the Kit

The kit can be used with groups as small as three and as large as in the hundreds or more. Because of the flexibility of the team-building program, your event can be tailored to almost any kind of group, including:

  • Ministry teams
  • Small groups
  • Sunday School classes
  • Couples classes
  • Retreats
  • Staff meetings

How to Structure Your Team-Building Event

The program is organized in ten one-hour modules. You can cover the material in a two-day retreat, break it into a segment series over several weeks, or conduct it in weekly sessions over the course of a semester.

How to Prepare

  • Prior to your event, purchase Leading From Your Strengths Profiles for each participant. (Facilitators receive special access to an exclusive area on the website to purchase profiles at a substantial discount.) Have each participant complete his profile questionnaire and receive his report before your first event session.
  • Using the kit’s unique reproducible feature, reproduce a Participant Manual for each participant. You can reproduce as many manuals as you need at no additional charge.
  • Facilitators need to allot just 10 minutes of preparation per session to guide the group through each of the modules.


Video Tour ::

Take a quick overview tour of the Leading From Your Strengths Team-Building Discovery Kit and find out how it can help you and your team not just survive, but thrive.



How to Order Kit::

4 people on team (blurred)Leading From Your Strengths Team-Building Discovery Kits can be purchased at this website using an email address and a valid credit card (Visa, Master Card, Discover, or American Express). Your personal information is safe through our secure shopping cart system. Take these steps:

  • Click on “Add to Cart” at the right to select the kit.
  • Fill out the online order form completely. Billing information needs to match the credit card’s billing address to complete your order.
  • View and print your receipt displayed onscreen at the end of the checkout process. You’ll also receive a copy by email.
  • Look in the email for your special access to an exclusive area on the website, allowing to purchase profiles at a substantial discount for each of your participants.
  • Your credit card statement will show charges to Ministry Insights or Insights International.

What Others Say ::

What People Say About
Leading From Your Strengths

team preparing to go rafting“This is a great book. Excellent presentation, easy to read, great importance, could be life-changing.”
Daniel H.

“If you are involved with a ministry team, church staff, supporting a mission team or an elder overseeing a church staff, this book can be a helpful guide down the whitewater of ‘team shock’ associated with personality conflicts and team dynamics.”
Greg T.

“This is an excellent book for teams to read together and work through. It is written in an easy-flowing style that brings you into the story. To get the most benefit from the book, I highly recommend taking the assessment test which can be found online. The material in the book along with the assessment really gives a great picture of who you are and shows how you interact and communicate with others. I would recommend the book and assessment for all team members and new hires.”
Mark P.

“After buying this book, I could not put it down. It is simply structured and to the point, with short chapters and understandable English. The information is very practical with a storyline (white river rafting — you will enjoy) and journal-type questions at the end of each chapter, made it easy to follow in a busy work schedule. Although this book is published for those in church ministry, it is just as applicable in the secular and business world. I will strongly recommend this practical book to new upcoming church planters, dynamic Christian organizations, and “Christians at Work” support groups.”
Manual T.


Related Resources::
[jbox color=”yellow” icon=”https://www.ministryinsights.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/cover-lfys-75X98.gif” title=”Leading From Your Strengths Profile”]

Every person participating in the team building process should take and print the Leading From Your Strengths Profile. This quick and simple online assessment, you will immediately receive a comprehensive, objective, and personalized report, where you will gain tremendous insight into your natural strengths and how those strengths are operating in your life.



[jbox color=”yellow” icon=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/cover-position-75X97.gif” title=”Position Insights Profile”]

Inviting the right people into ministry, whether paid or volunteer, can be one of the toughest challenges leaders, ministry teams and search committees face. To help you address that challenge, the Position Insights Profile will identify the strengths needed and what the demands of any position are before the recruiting process starts.

Note: Electronic codes are delivered instantly



[jbox color=”yellow” icon=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/cover-boo1-75X120.gif” title=”Leading From Your Strengths – Building Close-knit Ministry Teams”]

This book incorporates the Leading From Your Strengths Profile and illustrates key leadership and team principles in a clear, informative and entertaining manner. You’ll gain a greater understanding of your unique God-given strengths, the strengths of others on your team and how you will benefit by blending those strengths.

[icon_text url=”” color=”red” type=”icon_warning”] Free Shipping [/icon_text]$14.95



[jbox color=”yellow” icon=”https://www.ministryinsights.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/cover-lfys-75X98.gif” title=”Leading From Your Strengths Profile”]

Every person participating in the team building process should take and print the Leading From Your Strengths Profile. This quick and simple online assessment, you will immediately receive a comprehensive, objective, and personalized report, where you will gain tremendous insight into your natural strengths and how those strengths are operating in your life.



[jbox color=”yellow” icon=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/cover-position-75X97.gif” title=”Position Insights Profile”]

Inviting the right people into ministry, whether paid or volunteer, can be one of the toughest challenges leaders, ministry teams and search committees face. To help you address that challenge, the Position Insights Profile will identify the strengths needed and what the demands of any position are before the recruiting process starts.

Note: Electronic codes are delivered instantly



[jbox color=”yellow” icon=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/cover-boo1-75X120.gif” title=”Leading From Your Strengths – Building Close-knit Ministry Teams”]

This book incorporates the Leading From Your Strengths Profile and illustrates key leadership and team principles in a clear, informative and entertaining manner. You’ll gain a greater understanding of your unique God-given strengths, the strengths of others on your team and how you will benefit by blending those strengths.

[icon_text url=”” color=”red” type=”icon_warning”] Free Shipping [/icon_text]$14.95




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FREE Online Interactive Course
Now FREE Online Click Here

Team Building Kit

[icon_text url=”” color=”red” type=”icon_warning”] On Sale [/icon_text]$179.95 (Retail $249.00)

FREE Online Interactive Course
Now FREE Online Click Here




The One Thing Your Team Cares About

“No matter what title you have, once you’ve lost the trust of your followers, you can no longer be a leader.”

~ Adam Grant, organizational psychologist (source: Twitter.com/AdamMGrant)


There are many factors that contribute to a strong team—communication, organization, diversity of strengths, and so much more. But there’s one factor that supersedes all others.

That factor is, trust.

Trust is the cornerstone of every successful team, and is the bedrock upon which collaboration, communication, and productivity thrive. In the balancing act of navigating professional relationships, trust acts as the adhesive that binds individuals together.

In a team setting, trust creates a bond that allows team members to rely on each other. When trust is present, team members feel confident that their colleagues will fulfill their responsibilities, meet deadlines, and contribute meaningfully to the group’s shared goals and objectives. A strong sense of trust enables team members to focus on their unique strengths and tasks, thus maximizing the team’s productivity.

In addition, trust facilitates open and honest communication. Team members who trust one another are more likely to share ideas, provide constructive feedback, and engage in honest discussions. This transparency also fosters an inclusive atmosphere where diverse perspectives and strengths are celebrated.

And last but not least, trust is the antidote to conflicts and challenges that will inevitably arise in a team environment. Relational capital is built on trust. In an environment built on trust, individuals are more inclined to lean on each other, rather than assigning blame. This collaborative approach strengthens the team’s resilience, ultimately creating long-term success.

Trust is the lifeblood of a strong team. It’s the one thing your team cares about above all else, particularly in a ministry setting. 1 John 4:19 says, “We love because he first loved us.” Building and maintaining a healthy trusting environment is how you love your team. It’s the one element leaders should nurture above everything else. You can get everything else right, but struggle with trust, and your team will never reach its potential. 

Consistently nurture trust, and your team will thank you for it.

Strong teams are built by strong leaders. Find out how Ministry Insights’ tools can help you build a team that communicates with empathy, trusts each other, and executes like never before. Start by taking our Leading From Your Strengths (LFYS) today.


December Webinar on Optimizing the Strong Teams Starter Pack

Optimizing the Strong Teams Starter Pack

Webinar: December 13

Mark your calendar and join Ministry Insights Pres/CEO Rodney Cox for a LIVE webinar. Rodney will present his favorite tips and tricks for optimizing our most popular team building product.

Date: Dec 13, 2023
Time: 11:30 EST / 10:30 AM CST

The webinar is FREE, so save your seat today!


Habits of a Strong Team

Your ministry probably has organizational values. Shared values set the tone for what the company cares about most. In ministry or business, values typically represent the principles you stand for, like integrity, Christ-likeness, service, and respect for others.

Values act as a filter to help leaders and their team members make decisions and plan for the future, correct? Although values are important, often your team will need additional tools—something more concrete if you will, to help them execute daily.

This is where team habits come into play. Habits are tangible actions that, when put into practice, will equip a team to stay in sync, support each other, and win together. Strong leaders identify, model, and communicate winning habits. Since the first step of identifying those habits can be the most difficult, we’ve assembled a list of sample habits that can help you build a stronger team. Feel free to adopt the list below for your team, today!

  1. We communicate with empathy
    We take time to learn about each other so we can connect our ideas in a meaningful way.
  2. We trust each other
    We respect each other’s differences and give our teammates the benefit of the doubt.
  3. We value our individual and collective strengths
    Our plans factor in each person’s unique God-given strengths.
  4. We practice ownership
    Each team member is responsible for his/her success and equipped with the tools to win.
  5. We avoid team gossip
    When we hear a rumor, we share it with our team. We direct complaints up, not around.
  6. We proactively share insights within our team
    Updates provided during team meetings are critical to our success.
  7. We provide care for our teammates
    We strive daily to stay connected and supportive.
  8. We advocate for solutions that scale
    We look for ways to operate more efficiently as the project or organization grows. 
  9. We strive for a healthy work/life balance
    Expectations and responsibilities are well documented and communicated.
  10. We prioritize goals and milestones
    We set goals based on outcomes and issue public praise when we hit milestones.


Values are key, but habits equip you and your team to execute those values on a daily basis. Create your list of winning habits, distribute them, and revisit them regularly. Your team will thank you for it.


Portions of this article were excerpted from the Strong Teams Starter Pack, now available!


Strong Teams Starter Pack

The Essential Toolkit for Building a Strong Team Culture

Developing a thriving team culture at your organization is essential for growth, but it can be challenging to foster. Our Strong Teams Starter Pack provides leaders and staff with the core strategies and practical resources needed to establish trust, improve communication, and cultivate an empowering team environment.

With the strategies and resources in our Strong Teams Starter Pack, leaders can transform their team culture for greater synergy, productivity, and kingdom impact. Build a team on a firm foundation of trust and unity today

Key Features:

  • Three tactical modules optimize learning through videos, guidebooks, assignments, and discussions across multiple touchpoints.
  • Personalized QuickStrengths reports reveal each individual’s natural strengths and weaknesses for better understanding and trust-building.
  • Small group sharing of reports builds empathy as members learn how each person contributes uniquely to the team.
  • Blending Differences teaching and strengths wheel exercise provide a framework for uniting varied abilities into a cohesive team.
  • The Inescapable Areas module visually uncovers common tensions in teamwork and how to bridge differences constructively.
  • Facilitator guide includes meeting plans, activities, and email templates to guide teams through transformative discussions.
  • Flexible format works for both self-guided peer teams and professional facilitators leading group team development.
  • Biblical principles and Scripture integration encourage unity, empathy, and appreciation of God-given differences.


The Starter Pack contains 2 guides, 3 online modules, 7 online lessons, 3 team meetings, and the QuickStrengths Assessment.

Note: Purchase 1 pack for each team member.