Counselor Invests in Marriages and Teams Using Profiles

During the 40+ years as a lead pastor, Jimmy McLeod discovered his special abilities in counseling individuals and conducting support groups, later honing those skills by becoming a board certified pastoral counselor. Today, Jimmy counsels individuals, couples, and families full-time at Becomer Counseling Services, and also consults with churches, community groups, and service organizations. The Leading From Your Strengths profile has become an integral part of his counseling process.

Jimmy McLeod

Jimmy McLeod

His familiarity with the benefits of personality profiles stems back to the early 1980s when a University of North Texas Baptist Student Ministry director used the then-common DISC instrument to profile Jimmy’s church staff. Jimmy saw the value in team members understanding themselves and each other.

He used various profile formats throughout the years, but in 2001 Jimmy was introduced to the Leading From Your Strengths profile at an American Association of Christian Counselors convention. “The LFYS profile intrigued me because of its Christian worldview and its emphasis on strengths,” said Jimmy. “Plus, its basis in 1 Corinthians 12 allows me to come back to scripture again and again as I counsel clients.” He and his wife Carol subsequently became Different by Design certified practitioners.

As Jimmy began to use the LFYS profiles regularly with couples and teams, he noticed their special benefits that endured in various circumstances and over time. “The profiles are an investment in long-term health,” he says.

Benefits for Immediate Circumstances

Jimmy cites the profile’s objectivity that brings a rational voice during crisis or turmoil. Such was the case as he counseled Tony and Emily, whose 15-year-marriage had been wounded by unfaithfulness. Both spouses were biblically committed to restoring the marriage.

The profile data gave Tony and Emily sanity and focus as they worked through the emotions of broken trust. Emily discovered that she moved quickly to assumptions and judgments. She learned to give Tony more time for decisions and responses. Meanwhile, Tony saw his temptation to marinate about a decision forever. He came to appreciate Emily’s quiet prods to think, choose, and move on. The couple has been in counseling six months, but already their communication has better than it has ever been, says Jimmy. Even their four children are noticing changes in the relationship and in family life.

“The profile put the information into a format they could understand,” said Jimmy. “Because the report is objective, it freed Tony and Emily to stop beating themselves up and instead use the information in their immediate circumstances – and move forward into the future.”

Benefits for Ongoing Circumstances

Recently the pastor of a creative, innovative church approached Jimmy. “I want our church to be healthy,” he told Jimmy. “That means our staff needs to be healthy, too.” The pastor opened the door for each staff member to complete the profile and meet with Jimmy at least once – more if they chose to do so.

Several did, including two staff members who struggled with ongoing tension in their working relationship. As they met with Jimmy to review their profile data, both were able to see how their wounds in the workplace came from assumptions about the other person. The information they shared opened their minds to the other person’s strengths. As the two professionals prayed together in a joint session, Jimmy saw their bonds strengthen. “It can only be described as ‘a melting moment,’” Jimmy said.

Benefits for Future Circumstances

During premarital counseling, a 30-something professional couple invested considerable time in coming to understand their personal strengths outlined in their profile reports. “They did the work,” said Jimmy. “They were involved and engaged in getting to know each other better and learning to value the other’s strengths.”

What grew out of during the course of those weeks and months working through the profile was a deep appreciation for one another. The wife-to-be, a quick thinker, came to understand why her fiancé could not make hurried decisions. He needed to process information methodically. While that strength could have become a conflict in their relationship down the road, she began to view his thoughtful, systematic insights as valuable. Meanwhile, her future husband discovered how his fiancée was relationally wired and a perfect fit for his more reserved nature. Jimmy reminded the couple that the profile data was a springboard – one they could build upon throughout their marriage.

“God confirmed to this couple that He had brought them together to complete each other,” said Jimmy. “By the time their wedding day arrived, they were pumped. They were ready to use the tools they had learned to keep growing together.”

Profiles Are an Investment

A self-described perpetual learner, Jimmy counsels individuals, couples, and teams to use the profile data both in the immediate moment and in the long-term.

He often provides counselees with additional resources, including the Different By Design videos and workbooks, as a way to help them invest further in building stronger relationships. The profile data and these additional tools allow people to focus on their strengths short-term and get to where they need to be for the long haul.

“If you want to help a person to reduce immediate stresses, there is no better way than to use the profiles,” he says. “And that person can use the data for the rest of his life. The profiles are an outstanding investment in a healthier life and healthier relationships.”

Jimmy McLeod served as a lead pastor for more than four decades, working in five different churches, until he became a pastoral care pastor in 1999. He has been in private practice as a Board Certified Pastoral Counselor (BCPC) since 2007 when he founded Becomer Counseling Services which provides counseling in the Dallas-Fort Worth, TX area for individuals, couples, families in marriage preparation, grief and loss, abuse, addiction, anger, anxiety, low self-value, spiritual direction, mediation, and personal growth. He and his wife Carol have been married 49 years. They have two adult children and five grandchildren.

More about how other ministries use Leading From Your Strengths profiles

Using the Profiles: Consultant Promotes Profiles Full-TIme

CEO Uses Profiles to Build His Team — and Others

Coaching: Life Coach Guides 20-Somethings to Identity and Purpose

Transitions: Canadian Leader Helps Midlifers, Teams Transition Well

Versatility: Pastor, Educator Uses Profiles Across Ministry Areas

Using the Profiles: Adventure Kit Helps Children Discover Their Strengths

Coaching: Ministry Consultant Uses Profiles to Grow Teams

Profiles Help Grow Young Leaders in the Latin American Church

Coaching: How to Help People Apply the Profile

Leadership: Building Up Leaders Down Under

One-on-One Coaching Leads to a Whole New Purpose

Successful Staffing Through Team Coaching

CEO Uses Profiles to Build His Team — and Others


Graham Yoko

Graham Yoko

ACE South Africa CEO Graham Yoko was first drawn to the Leading From Your Strengths profiles when listening to a Focus on the Family radio interview with Dr. John Trent, profile co-creator. “I have always been passionate about people finding their ‘groove’ in life,” says Graham. “This sounded like a tool that I could use with teams I coach.” He ordered a Team Building Kit from Ministry Insights and completed its complimentary, individual profile.

The results were so accurate that Graham had his leadership team at Accelerated Christian Education South Africa complete individual assessments, too. “The exercises transformed our team and improved our effectiveness on so many levels that we began telling other groups about our experiences,” says Graham. He has since used the profiles with ministry teams, couples, Christian business teams, and school staffs, becoming connected through his many speaking engagements or in the course of his work.

Team Profiles Are Like Puzzle Pieces – ACE and Elsewhere

In presenting the profile and associated team building exercises Graham uses the analogy of a jigsaw puzzle, likening each member of the team to a piece of the whole. A team never consists of only one piece but rather several or many, Graham says. Even in a marriage there are two pieces. Each puzzle piece interlocks with the others. He compares a person’s strengths to a puzzle piece’s protruding tabs, serving to add to and complete other pieces.  Each team member – and each puzzle piece – also has indentations which others complete.  Once team members grasp the reality that they are not a one-piece puzzle but are interdependent on those around them, they are able to value those around them. “It is at that point they readily defer to others in their area of strength,” says Graham. “The result is a happier, more productive, and focused team.”

Putting the Pieces Together in Practical Ways

In one instance, Graham presented the profiles to a ministry staff serving in a widely diverse community.  The team was caught up in the challenges of prioritizing its activities and frantically assigning personnel to meet many needs.  The leader’s hectic schedule left little time for planning and team building.  Strengths were overlooked, leading to frustration. Graham’s task was to bring structure to the team. As the group completed the profiles and proceeded through the team building exercises, the proverbial light bulb came on. Recognizing that the profile is a living document that can be used with real life situations, the team implemented that data to assign tasks to members in line with their strengths.  The leader was freed to be who he is supposed to be and welcomed other members of the team to fill roles in areas that he does not feel gifted. The group made a point to further apply their discoveries in other practical ways.  The Strengths Wheel, a visual reminder of their collective strengths, is displayed in a prominent spot on the office wall and is now a focal point of all that this dynamic team attempts together.  Each team member extracted a 6-statement paragraph from his profile detailing favorite and least-favorite modes of communication, and posted the personalized list on the front of his workstation. Colleagues discipline themselves to communicate in a way that is appropriate for that individual.

Objectivity: a Key Piece of the Puzzle

Prior to working with a team, Graham often encourages a team leader and spouse to complete the profile assessment first and read each other’s reports. The immediate feedback gives the couple a working document to apply immediately in daily life. On the rare occasion that a spouse raises questions about the results, the other provides wholehearted confirmation of the partner’s report. “The profile provides a neutral reference point for bringing people together,” says Graham.  “Its credibility helps maintain objectivity … it is great to be able to deflect the attention away from the individual and put the ‘blame’ on the profile.” Once they have seen the benefit of recognizing and valuing strengths in their marriages, leaders are eager to take the process to their teams.   The section outlining perceptions is particularly helpful in resolving interpersonal conflict. Graham’s organization now uses Position Insights profiles to define specific roles on the team. The data matches potential staff in terms of suitability to a position. “We do not hire any new staff until that individual completes the profile and we have the opportunity to compare their results to the Position Profile for that specific role,” says Graham. “In my experience, Leading From Your Strengths profiles are not just another personality or strengths test,” says Graham. “They are a life-giving and life-changing experience that makes working together fun … and allows team members to enjoy each other rather than having to endure each other. “

Graham Yoko is a Ministry Insights Certified Practitioner and CEO of Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) South Africa, which provides educational materials and services to schools and home schoolers. As a motivational speaker Graham has addressed audiences at conferences and seminars on four continents. His book, Get Out of Your Rut and Into Your Groove (CMP, 2010) addresses finding a personal niche in life and career. He lives with his wife Pam and their three children in Durban, South Africa.

More about how other ministries use Leading From Your Strengths profiles

Coaching: Life Coach Guides 20-Somethings to Identity and Purpose Transitions: Canadian Leader Helps Midlifers, Teams Transition Well Versatility: Pastor, Educator Uses Profiles Across Ministry Areas Using the Profiles: Adventure Kit Helps Children Discover Their Strengths Coaching: Ministry Consultant Uses Profiles to Grow Teams Profiles Help Grow Young Leaders in the Latin American Church Coaching: How to Help People Apply the Profile Leadership: Building Up Leaders Down Under One-on-One Coaching Leads to a Whole New Purpose Successful Staffing Through Team Coaching

Transitions: Canadian Leader Helps Midlifers, Teams Transition Well

Dr. Dan Reinhardt and CREST Leadership use profiles to guide midlife leaders

Dan Reinhardt

Dan Reinhardt

After eighteen years of pastoral leadership, Dr. Dan Reinhardt took a sabbatical to pursue a doctorate in ministry leadership. As he conducted his thesis research he discovered the absence of leadership training material for mid-life leaders. CREST Leadership is an outgrowth of Dan’s research. Launched in 2002, CREST targets midlife leaders, working to help them transition well to a productive, fruitful second half of their lives. The Leading From Your Strengths profile is a key part of the process.

Profiles Help Midlife Leaders to Transition Well

Midlife leaders, says Dan, follow one of three paths: frustration (marked by a midlife plateau or down-turn), floating (increased responsibilities but little sense of direction), or flourishing (a small number of leaders who find clarity at midlife and press on to have the best years of their lives.)

CREST Leadership’s life development model allows a small group of leaders to meet regularly over a two-year period, helping them find clarity for the second half of their professional years. Participants and their spouses complete the Leading From Your Strengths profile assessment early in the process. They are then able to apply the material to their marriages and often their leadership teams, receiving support from their small group along the way.

Such was the case with Gerry. Routinely, his wife peppered him with questions about his nonprofit, its new programs, and the decisions he made, making Barry feel discouraged and isolated. Now at midlife, he floundered. As Gerry and his wife talked through the results of the Leading From Your strengths profiles, they both had a ‘eureka!’ moment. While Gerry’s bold drive and pioneering spirit motivated him to press forward with his goals, his wife was realistic in her approach. She sought to validate facts before proceeding. He had seen his wife’s questions as pessimistic, when she was simply asking for details and gather information to figure out how to implement the work.

“She is not against my vision at all – in fact, she is for it!” Gerry exclaimed. He saw, at last, that he and his wife simply solved problems and processed information differently. God had placed them together to accomplish His work – for Gerry to see the vision and his wife to see the steps needed for the vision to be accomplished.

The profiles’ benefits for midlife leaders extend beyond their marriages to their teams. “We tell participants that they can complete the certified practitioner process themselves and lead their own staffs through the profile process,” says Dan. “Many of them do.”

Profiles Help Church Staffs to Transition Well

As church consultants, Dan and the CREST team work with staffs in transition, whether it is to hire a new senior pastor, navigate a crisis, build a board, or other ministry challenge. “The first thing we do when working with a new team is to have each member complete a profile,” says Dan.

The profile debriefing process builds appreciation for each other among the group, fundamentally improving the relationships between them no matter what its status was before. Dan places team members’ natural and adaptive strengths on the Strengths Wheel to show how they fit together as a team. Some teams discover that their strengths are well distributed. Others find that their members are overloaded in one strength area. In all cases, the information allows teams to work on finding ways to use their natural strengths more intentionally.

Dan has discovered the profile data is indispensable in setting an encouraging, affirming environment for teams in all situations, even tragedy. “The profiles create an atmosphere of trust,” says Dan. “From there you can build.”  One team, grieving the loss of both its lead pastor and his wife under horrific circumstances, was able to process the strengths that remained among them. The positive tone allowed them to move forward with the search for the pastor’s replacement.

Midlife leaders and church teams are eager to find solutions, says Dan. They approach their 2-year commitment to CREST or their church consultation sessions with a desire to engage and learn. In addition, their standards are high, since by midlife they have attended many conferences and have heard hundreds of speakers. That is why once they discover the depth offered by the Leading From Your Strengths profiles, these leaders recognize the quality and power of the process. The perceived accuracy among CREST users is 80-90% or higher.

Most put their data into practice right away. “A majority of people do not navigate midlife well,” says Dan. “The profiles are indispensable in helping mid-lifers transition to their next phase of ministry – and flourish.”

Dr. Dan Reinhardt, Founder and President of the CREST Leadership Program, honed his leadership skill over 22 years of pastoral ministry and later earned a Doctor of Ministry in Leadership and Preaching from Asbury Seminary. His doctoral thesis became the foundation for launching the CREST, which works with midlife leaders and churches to navigate transitions well. Dan lives north of Calgary, Alberta with his wife, Anne. They have four grown children.

More about how other ministries use Leading From Your Strengths profiles

Versatility: Pastor, Educator Uses Profiles Across Ministry Areas

Using the Profiles: Adventure Kit Helps Children Discover Their Strengths

Coaching: Ministry Consultant Uses Profiles to Grow Teams

Profiles Help Grow Young Leaders in the Latin American Church

Coaching: How to Help People Apply the Profile

Leadership: Building Up Leaders Down Under

One-on-One Coaching Leads to a Whole New Purpose

Successful Staffing Through Team Coaching

The Unstuck Group Uses Profiles to Grow Ministry Teams

“I’m completely frustrated.”

Months of pent-up tension poured out as Allan, a senior pastor, explained his staff struggles to ministry consultant and coach Tony Morgan. “Members of this church tell us that they feel nurtured, loved, and supported,” said Allan. “But my staff can’t seem to get anything done.”

Tony Morgan

It wasn’t long before Tony understood the source of Allan’s frustration. As Tony conducted a staffing review with Allan’s team, he asked each member to complete a Leading From Your Strengths profile assessment. The results were startling. Allan’s strengths were clearly task-oriented. He flourished in a fast-paced, results-oriented environment while his entire staff, all gifted with people-oriented strengths, functioned best in a supportive, relaxed, service-oriented atmosphere. Allan and his team operated completely differently.

Now, both Allan and his staff look back at that big “ah ha” moment as pivotal. Together with Tony, the team used the review as an opportunity to transition a few leaders into new roles that better reflected their strengths. Then, the church intentionally sought to fill gaps in their leadership structure.

The profiles were a key tool in building a close-knit ministry team in Allan’s church, and have become a resource that Tony returns to time and time again as he coaches and consults with leaders, churches, and ministries to grow teams.

Data for Individuals and For Teams

Tony first became familiar with Leading From Your Strengths when serving at Granger Community Church (Granger, IN), where the profiles were part of the staff’s hiring process and used in team building. The profiles offer two different, though complementary benefits: data for an individual and data for a team. Individual profiles provide objective information outlining that person’s strengths, allowing him to cultivate those strengths. The Strengths Wheel offers a visual representation of the team’s strengths, plotting each member’s natural abilities and revealing the team’s needs. “Through the years, I’ve learned that a healthy team has a combination of leaders that reflect the entire Body of Christ,” says Tony. “Strengths and gifting are not just limited to the strengths of the senior pastor.”

Churches and ministries consult with Tony and his colleagues at The Unstuck Group either when they’ve gone through a rapid growth season or when they’ve reached an impasse and are struggling to move forward. Tony comes alongside these teams to guide them through a process of re-evaluation or to play “catch up” in building their structure, strategy, and systems. While Leading From Your Strengths is just one element of the ministry consulting firm’s assessments and strategic planning services, the profiles are instrumental in allowing ministries to move forward productively.  “The profiles help us to learn about the leaders on the team,” says Tony. “And it helps the team learn about the leaders around them, especially in making sure the right people are in the right roles.”

The profiles also play a key role in Leadership Coaching Network, small groups of leaders who meet with Tony for six, once-monthly sessions to grow in their leadership skills. Prior to each network’s first gathering, each member completes the profile assessment. Members discuss the results during the first session. The impact is significant, often motivating leaders to embrace strengths they previously viewed as weaknesses. Many leaders return to their churches or ministries and use the profiles with their entire team.

“Leaders discover a big takeaway – that each of them is wired differently,” says Tony. “That realization impacts how they communicate, coach, and lead others on their teams.”

Small Investment, Powerful Results

As The Unstuck Group coaches lead ministry teams through the process of getting unstuck or in making an intentional plan for growth, they experience the satisfaction of helping leaders grow.

Such was the case for Tony when about a year after first speaking to Allan, he received a call from the senior pastor. It was time, Allan said, for his team to revisit their staffing and structure plan. The church was experiencing so much health and growth that it needed to look at next steps for future expansion.

“The profiles are a small investment but a great value,” says Tony. “And their impact extends beyond the individual leader and onto a team – especially when a team reviews them together and works with a coach to develop strategic next steps.”

Tony Morgan is the founder of The Unstuck Group. 600+ churches have engaged Tony’s Unstuck Process to make a greater Kingdom impact.

Strong teams are built by strong leaders. Find out how Ministry Insights’ tools can help you build a team that communicates with empathy, trusts each other, and executes like never before. Start by taking our Leading From Your Strengths (LFYS) today.

More about how other ministries use Leading From Your Strengths profiles

Profiles Help Grow Young Leaders in the Latin American Church

Coaching: How to Help People Apply the Profile

Leadership: Building Up Leaders Down Under

One-on-One Coaching Leads to a Whole New Purpose

Successful Staffing Through Team Coaching

Leadership: Building Up Leaders Down Under

How Australia’s Arrow Leadership Grows Servants and Their Teams

Julian DunhamNot long after Rev. Julian Dunham became Arrow Leadership’s program director, he completed a Leading From Your Strengths profile during coaching training with Ministry Insights, sponsored by Willow Creek Australia. He’d set out to be better able to equip the emerging leaders his ministry serves, but along the way he came to understand himself and those around him in a whole new way. “It changed my world,” said Julian. He’d undertaken other behavioral assessment before, but the Leading From Your Strengths profile was simple and accessible. The profile provided a unique opportunity for building up leaders.

Since then, Dunham and his team have integrated the profiles as part of Arrow’s Leadership Program, a 2-year in-service development experience for Christian leaders and parachurch workers aged 25 to 40.  The first module focuses on character and self-awareness. The profiles have played a major role in moving participants towards a deeper level of self-understanding “We’ve tried other behavioral assessments,” says Julian. “Leading From Your Strengths is the best we’ve used for this context.”

But in the process of helping leaders identify their strengths, Julian and his Arrow team also discovered that the profiles address one of the biggest challenges in the church in Australia: difficult team relationships.

Understanding Strengths Helps Leaders to Grow

Many of the struggles come down to staff members simply not understanding themselves or each other. Such was the case with Arrow participant Doug, a pastor, an off-the-chart optimist when it came to processing information. He was a creative, inspiring visionary who often acted on impulse. It was not unusual for Doug to get an idea while driving to church Sunday morning, formulate it fully in his mind by the time he was ready to preach, and announce plans to his congregation … without consulting anyone.

Meanwhile, out in the pews sat church board chairman Bruce, an off-the-chart realist when it came to processing information. As Bruce heard Doug’s plans from the pulpit, his logical, analytical mind would begin to race with thoughts like, “Has he budgeted this? … has he booked the rooms? … does he realize that event will come immediately after a very busy period? … doesn’t he know the board’s procedures for approving ventures like this?

Bruce would then call Doug and schedule a meeting – one Doug always approached with trepidation. As Bruce listed all the reasons why Doug’s idea couldn’t, wouldn’t, or shouldn’t work, Doug would become increasingly discouraged. He couldn’t help feel like Bruce was impeding momentum in the church by continually shutting down new initiatives.

But when Doug and Bruce completed the Leading From Your Strengths profiles, Doug experienced an overwhelming “Ah ha” moment. The two met immediately.  “I promise that I won’t announce anything at church before I’ve talked it over with you,” said Doug. “But I need you to change your language with me a little. Rather than coming to me with a list of reasons why we can’t do something, please come to me with a list of steps we need to take in order to achieve the outcome.” Doug came to appreciate Bruce’s ordered, fact-based thinking. In turn, Bruce learned to express affirmation for Doug’s passionate enthusiasm. The relationship between the two leaders changed overnight.

Understanding Strengths Helps Teams to Grow

As Arrow participants experience firsthand benefits of understanding their strengths, they invite Julian to conduct a Leading From Your Strengths team-building program with their staffs. “More often than not, I say no,” Julian explains. “It’s better that they run the exercise themselves.”

That empowers leaders and teams. One youth pastor’s conflict with a key leader about procedures had led to a major argument. The leader quit. Not long afterward, the staff participated in the team building process. As members completed the profiles and discussed the results, they realized that they needed to define specific procedures so that they could all be on the same page. The youth pastor and estranged leader came to understand how they processed rules and procedure differently. They were able to reconcile – and she rejoined the team.

Self-Awareness and Team-Building: Two Halves of the Story

Self-awareness is vital, but it’s been only half the story when it comes to how understanding strengths has benefited Australian leaders.

When these servants realize that not everyone operates the way they do, a whole new world opens up for them.  “Perhaps for the first time they appreciate the strengths that others bring to their team … strengths that may have even frustrated them in the past,” says Julian. Building up leaders becomes a group process. Teams discover and use their God-given strengths and become stronger together.

“I wish all leaders would undertake the profile process,” says Julian. “They’re simple and cost-effective. It can’t be any easier to make a big difference for both you – and your staff.”

Rev. Julian Dunham served as a church pastor for 17 years before joining Arrow Leadership (Victoria, Australia) as Program Director in 2008. Learn more about how Arrow Leadership is impacting Australia’s leaders on the ministry’s website.


More about how other ministries use Leading From Your Strengths profiles

One-on-One Coaching Leads to a Whole New Purpose

Successful Staffing Through Team Coaching

Book: Building Intimacy in Your Small Group

Your Small Group Can Grow Close


Leading From Your Strengths: Building Intimacy in Your Small Group provides a road map to building closeness, trust, and strong relationships in small groups.

Drawing on strengths-based principles, the book leads you through the process of discovering unique personalities hidden in your group members, valuing those strengths, and blending together.

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Book Overview ::

Leading From Your Strengths: Building Intimacy in Your Small Group

silhouette of hikers looking at mountain faceBeing part of a small group can be a bit like climbing a mountain—it has risks but the payoff is immense. That is why this second book in the Leading From Your Strengths® series compares the journey of building intimacy in your small group to a mountain climbing expedition.

Just like climbing Mount Everest, climbing the mountain to intimacy in your small group involves five stages, or camps.

You begin at your “base camp” of commitment, and then move through the various stages of honesty, acceptance, closeness, and finally reach the mountain’s peak of intimacy. The Ministry Insights team is your expedition guide on your climb as you learn to leverage your strengths for effective and successful small group experiences.


Book Details ::

Leading From Your Strengths: Building Intimacy in Your Small Group

Leading From Your Strengths Book 2: Building Intimacy in Your Small GroupAuthors: Dr. John Trent, Rodney Cox, Eric Tooker
Publisher: B & H Publishing Group
Pub. Date: February 2005
Type: Hardback
ISBN 10: 0805430660
ISBN 13: 9780805430660
Product #: 001259659
Weight: 0.56 lbs
Trim Size: 6.2 X 9.02 X 0.57
Binding: Hardcover

Table of Contents

Introduction: Reaching the Summit

One: Trouble in Small Group Paradise

Two: Getting Ready to Make the Climb

Three: Base Camp for Your Small Group

Four: Commitment – the First Steps toward the Summit

Five: Honesty – the Second High Place

Six: Acceptance – a Difficult Move up the Mountain

Seven: Trust – Preparing for the Summit

Eight: Intimacy – High Risk and High Reward

Nine: Build the Small Group You’ve Always Wanted

A Four-Week Study on Building Intimacy in Your Small Group


Why Use This Book?::

Why Use This Book for Your Small Group?

Leading From Your Strengths: Building Intimacy in Your Small Group provides a road map to building closeness, trust, and strong relationships in small groups. It is for both leaders and group members. As with the other books in the Leading From Your Strengths® series, the book draws on how each individual offers strengths to the group, how members can learn to value others’ strengths, and how groups can blend together to make a stronger whole.

4 rock climbers in a canyonUse it as a study guide

The book includes a biblically-based, 4-week study for groups to inspire discussion and implement principles.

Use it to understand each other

Group members gain a detailed understanding of their individual God-given strengths and each others’ strengths, increasing a deeper appreciation for each other.

Use it to understand how your group fits together

Groups find out how their strengths complement one another and learn ways to motivate each other. Many groups also uncover the ideal ministry environment to serve effectively together.

Use it to learn to communicate better

Groups can compare ways each member gives and receives communication best and put those skills into practice. Better communication leads to trust and deeper intimacy.

Use it to manage conflict

As group members understand their strengths and value others, they learn to appreciate each person’s uniqueness. Groups discover how to increase their productivity with accurate expectations.

Members can also individually purchase Leading From Your Strengths Profiles in order to gain even further insights on their strengths and how to draw on them in a group setting. Teams may choose to use the Leading From Your Strengths Teambuilding Kit to develop further


How To Order::

4 rock climbersLeading From Your Strengths: Building Intimacy in Your Small Group (along with Leading From Your Strengths Profiles, the Leading from Your Strengths Team Building Kit, and other associated products)can be purchased at this website using an email address and a valid credit card (Visa, Master Card, Discover, or American Express). Your personal information is safe through our secure shopping cart system.

Take these steps:

  • Click on “Add to Cart” at the right to select product.
  • Fill out the online order form completely. Billing information needs to match the credit card’s billing address to complete your order.
  • View and print your receipt displayed onscreen at the end of the checkout process. You’ll also receive a copy by email.
  • If you ordered profiles, look in the email for your single-use password code, which you will use to complete your online profile assessment. Once you complete the online questionnaire (in 10 minutes or less), results will be delivered immediately to your inbox.
  • Regardless of what you order, your credit card statement will show charges to Ministry Insights or Insights International.


Related Resources ::

[jbox color=”yellow” icon=”” title=”Leading From Your Strengths Profile”]

Every person going through the Teambuilding ket contents should take and print the Leading From Your Strengths Profile. This quick and simple online assessment, you will immediately receive a comprehensive, objective, and personalized report, where you will gain tremendous insight into your natural strengths and how those strengths are operating in your life.



[jbox color=”yellow” icon=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/cover-position-75X97.gif” title=”Position Insights Profile”]

Inviting the right people into ministry, whether paid or volunteer, can be one of the toughest challenges leaders, ministry teams and search committees face. To help you address that challenge, the Position Insights Profile will identify the strengths needed and what the demands of any position are before the recruiting process starts.

Note: Electronic codes are delivered instantly



[jbox color=”yellow” icon=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/TBDK-75X67.gif” title=”Team Building Discovery Kit”]

The Leading From Your Strengths Team-Building Discovery Kit is the versatile and powerful turn-key curriculum that is designed to help you and your team better understand your unique strengths and how to blend and build those strengths.


  • 10 one-hour training modules
  • DVD teaching featuring Dr. John Trent and Rodney Cox
  • Poster-sized LFYS “Strengths Wheel” to capture and compare your entire group’s strengths
  • Discount codes for participants’ on-line assessments
  • Audio book of Leading From Your Strengths
  • Memory aids for future team growth

Note: 3-5 day delivery

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(Retail $249.00) now FREE ONLINE




[jbox color=”yellow” icon=”” title=”Leading From Your Strengths Profile”]

Every person going through the Teambuilding ket contents should take and print the Leading From Your Strengths Profile. This quick and simple online assessment, you will immediately receive a comprehensive, objective, and personalized report, where you will gain tremendous insight into your natural strengths and how those strengths are operating in your life.



[jbox color=”yellow” icon=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/cover-position-75X97.gif” title=”Position Insights Profile”]

Inviting the right people into ministry, whether paid or volunteer, can be one of the toughest challenges leaders, ministry teams and search committees face. To help you address that challenge, the Position Insights Profile will identify the strengths needed and what the demands of any position are before the recruiting process starts.

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The Leading From Your Strengths Team-Building Discovery Kit is the versatile and powerful turn-key curriculum that is designed to help you and your team better understand your unique strengths and how to blend and build those strengths.


  • 10 one-hour training modules
  • DVD teaching featuring Dr. John Trent and Rodney Cox
  • Poster-sized LFYS “Strengths Wheel” to capture and compare your entire group’s strengths
  • Discount codes for participants’ on-line assessments
  • Audio book of Leading From Your Strengths
  • Memory aids for future team growth

Note: 3-5 day delivery

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(Retail $249.00) Now FREE ONLINE




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StrongFamilies: Building Strong Relationships in Families

StrongFamilies logoStrongFamilies (originally Encouraging Words) helps couples, singles, single parents, and grandparents apply biblical tools to build close, caring, God-honoring relationships. It’s the ministry of Dr. John Trent, award-winning author and speaker, who along with an outstanding team of men and women, are committed to the Lord and committed to helping families like yours.

StrongFamilies uses books, training, behavioral assessments, and seminars to equip God’s people to understand themselves and their family members — and build strong families.

Learn more about Ministry Insights’ Strategic Partners.

3 New Projects Underway at Ministry Insights

The summer has been hot and so have our plans for Ministry Insights. We’ve been working hard to develop new ways to improve the client experience and help you build stronger teams.

Here are three new projects in the works that will launch in fall 2022.

1. Newsletter

If you’re reading this article you probably found it via the email newsletter we launched in July 2022. Beginning in August, it will publish on the first and third Monday of each month, and it’s the first place we will post new content and info about our latest projects.

If you have an account with Ministry Insights, you will receive the newsletter. 

2. Podcast

Another channel we’re launching this fall is the Strong Teams Podcast. The show, hosted by Rodney Cox, will focus on, you guessed it – building strong teams. In addition to discussing best practices in leadership and team building, we will also interview thought leaders in the space. To make the podcast as accessible as possible, we will be posting videos of the podcast on Youtube. 


Last but not least, we can’t wait to introduce you to Don’t worry, isn’t replacing the Ministry Insights website, it’s just our newest family member. The new website will host our new podcast and help us spread our message of biblically-based leadership and teams.

Since 2001 our vision remains the same, to equip Christ Followers to understand their unique strengths, the unique strengths of others and blend their differences to become more together. These new initiatives demonstrate our commitment to this vision in 2022 and beyond. 

Curious to know more about Ministry Insights’ latest projects? You’ll have to attend the 2022 Equipping Conference in Asheville, NC on October 11. Registration details at

August 2022 — Editorial Staff

Support Videos – Leading from Your Strengths

The Leading From Your Strengths Assessment can be used one-on-one or one to many. Team building is probably the number one why people use the assessment but you can also use this outline for coaching.

Below is a suggested outline for team building. The support videos on the next tab can be used to supplement the outline below as needed to help transfer the main concepts to your team.

  1. Part 1: Group Devotional
  2. Part 2: Activity to Understand Differences
  3. Part 3: Process Your Team Members’ Strengths
  4. Part 4: Value to the Team
  5. Part 5: Checklist for Communicating

Introduction and Setup

The Mystery of Differences

The Law of Differences

The Strengths Chart – Problem Solving

The Strengths Chart – Processing Information

The Strengths Chart – Managing Change

The Strengths Chart – Facing Risk

Blending Differences

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